Fresh Start Empowerment




Fresh Start Empowerment (FSE) is a charitable and inclusive organisation that has been operating in Cameroon since 2015. Indeed, FSE started out as a spontaneous act of generosity towards vulnerable people, and today works primarily to empower vulnerable women and person with disability.



The Origin of the program

In 2021-2022, the Fresh Start Empowerment association, in collaboration with the La Voix du Sourd association, organized the Mathematics Olympiads in both specialized and non-specialized primary and secondary schools that cater to deaf students in various localities in Cameroon, including Yaoundé, Douala, Bertoua, Bafoussam, Ndikiniméki, and later Edéa.

The aim of these Olympiads was to encourage deaf students to pursue education, particularly fostering a love for scientific subjects such as Mathematics. The Olympiads caravan, educational discussions, and some field surveys allowed us to establish the following facts:

More than 60% do not attend school, especially outside of Yaoundé and Douala.

More than 70% of deaf individuals have not completed secondary education, meaning they lack formal qualifications and struggle with reading and writing; even their sign language is often approximate.

Over 80% of deaf individuals of working age are unemployed and have never received formal training. Learning on the job is challenging for them as communication poses a significant barrier.

Accessing data on employment for deaf individuals in Cameroon is difficult. Deaf individuals represent a category of people with disabilities whose status is the most unclear.

Several so-called inclusive institutions are attempting to promote the education of people with disabilities, but they lack genuine support.

Deaf adults and many others living with disabilities doubt the ability of public authorities to support them and ensure a better future.

Many no longer trust their families due to several endured abuses.

They feel capable of managing their own projects. As evidence, the majority of the 20% who have managed to secure a livelihood are self-taught or have received basic training that they have perfected themselves with a lot of effort and determination.

Defintion of the Progam’s objectives

This leads to the need to establish a support and mentoring tool for this category of individuals, hence the Fresh Start Empowerment Program, also known as the “New Start” sponsorship program. This program aims to secure free funding and provide financial support and necessary resources to assist people with disabilities and vulnerable young women entrepreneurs in starting or expanding their businesses.


Promote the economic empowerment of vulnerable individuals through training, counseling, and guidance.

Support a new generation of entrepreneurs through financing and mentoring.

Targets and selection criteria

Target: Vulnerable people

Selection Criteria: Being disabled or a vulnerable woman/girl; Having an age between 16 and 40; Being in the process of creating or developing one’s business.

Program’s Steps:

Step 1: March – July 2023

• Submission of applications;
• Selection of candidates;
• Workshops and training sessions;
• Presentation of business plans;
• Official project presentation.

Step 2: July 2023 – July 2024 

• Implementation of projects;
• Monitoring project implementation;
• Monthly update on the status of each qualified business for the first year that received funding;
• Final report of the first year’s activities.

Why supporting the program?

Enhance the brand image of your company;

Increase visibility;

Boost your reputation; Enhance your likability among your target audience;

Connect directly with your potential audience and other stakeholders contributing to social development in Cameroon.

How to support Fresh Start Sponsorship Program?

There are several ways to support the Fresh Start Sponsorship program, depending on individual resources and preferences. Each contribution is/will be used exclusively for the needs of the cause, in an efficient and effective manner. Here’s how you can support it:

Make a financial donation:  You can make a one-time or recurring donation to the Fresh Start Empowerment association in cash, through bank transfer, or by cheque.

Make a material and/or equipment donation: The sponsorship program has a list of needs for various materials and equipment to achieve the empowerment goals of its participants.

Raise funds: You can organize an event or fundraising campaign, online or in-person, to benefit the Fresh Start Sponsorship program.

Volunteer your time: The Fresh Start Sponsorship program always needs volunteers to assist with various tasks, such as event organization, fundraising, and administrative work.

Conduct mass awareness campaigns: Utilize your social media platforms and word of mouth to promote awareness of the Fresh Start Sponsorship program and its mission.

Whatever form of support you wish to provide to the Fresh Start Sponsorship program or the Fresh Start Empowerment association, please inquire with the Fresh Start Empowerment association through its official channels to obtain all the necessary details.



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